Once the site of a thatched inn named Ye Old Plough, demolished in the late 1800’s, this establishment was licensed to sell ale, spirits, tobacco and porter; a drink made from malted barley created in London in the 1700’s. It is known that Mrs. Weatherburn, a hostess of The Plough brewed her own ale “for which she was greatly celebrated”.

A stone plaque from the old house can be seen above the current bay window. It says,
“that which your father has purchased and left to you to possess do you hold dearly to
show his worthiness.”
It is signed M.W. the initials of Matthew Willoughby. The Willoughby family were owners of Ye Old Plough in the 1700s.
After demolition, the Plough Hotel was opened in 1896 as a hunting and coach house. Coach houses were set up at seven to 10 miles stages where horses could be changed, and passengers refresh themselves along their journey. Alnwick was a coaching stop on the
important London to Edinburgh route.
The Plough Inn was also a popular stopping off point for those travelling by motor car as
seen in this early 20th century photograph.